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(1939/1998) (Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh) (G)

Length Screen Format(s) Languages Subtitles Sound Sides
233 minutes Approx. Standard TV English English
Dolby Digital 5.1,
Original Mono


(B) At times (and considering the age of the material), the picture is amazingly sharp and vibrantly colorful (it did get the technical once-over for its 1998 theatrical re-release). On the other hand, compression-generated pixelation is occasionally quite severe, and some of the scenes -- particularly ones where the camera is locked down and only the foreground objects move -- nearly make it look like the scenes were shot in front of a more modern "blue screen" (ie. foreground and background don't appear to be part of the same set). Even so, and considering the film's age, these problems don't seem as severe as when they occur on more recent films.
(B) Despite getting the Dolby Digital sound treatment, the film still has a limited dynamic range (due to limitations in sound recording 60 years ago), but still manages to sound rich and quite warm.
  • Scene selection/Jump to any scene.
  • Original theatrical trailer.
  • A several page "making of" insert in the DVD case.
    Overall, and despite the pixelation problems, the film looks quite good, especially considering its age. Like the recent theatrical re-release, the DVD contains the Overture (2 minutes), Intermission (4 minutes) -- where you have to flip the disc over to side B -- Entr Acte (1:30 minutes) and Exit Music (4 minutes).

    Considering the historical significance of this great film, it's too bad that more extras weren't included with this disc. Nontheless, for hardcore fans of the picture, it's a must have for their collection and shouldn't prove to be a disappointment to them.

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