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(1995) (Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean) (PG-13)

Blood/Gore Disrespectful/
Bad Attitude
Tense Scenes
Mild Mild Moderate Moderate Extreme
Minor None Mild None Minor
Smoking Tense Family
Topics To
Talk About
Moderate Mild Minor Minor Extreme

British agent James Bond must stop Russian militants from using a high tech weapon that renders all electronic equipment useless.
Russian militants, fronted by Xenia Onatopp (FAMKE JANSSEN), raid a space research station and steal the access to Goldeneye, a top secret satellite weapons system. When fired, Goldeneye renders all electronic equipment useless. This makes the British government very nervous and thus agent 007, James Bond (PIERCE BROSNAN) is assigned to the case. He finds Natalya Siminova (IZABELLA SCORUPCO) one of the two survivors from the space station who knows what's going on, and soon meets Alec Trevelyan (SEAN BEAN), the mastermind behind the theft of Goldeneye. The problem is that Alec used to be agent 006 and a good friend of Bond's. From then on, Bond goes through his obligatory flings with several women, and then attempts to stop Alec from using Goldeneye on London.
No one in the cast will draw them, but if they're fans of the Bond series or spy and action films, they'll want to see this one.
For a number of sequences of action/violence, and for some sexuality.
  • PIERCE BROSNAN plays Bond, the man with "a license to kill." And that's what he does quite often throughout the movie. He also sees women as sexual objects. Therefore, he isn't a good role model.
  • SEAN BEAN plays the former agent, turned terrorist and thus is not a good role model.
  • FAMKE JANSSEN plays a sex-starved sadist who takes glee in killing many people by many different means. She's a bad role model.
  • IZABELLA SCORUPCO plays a narrowly defined character (as a computer programmer) who helps Bond find and stop the bad guys. In her limited way, she's a good role model.


    OUR TAKE: 6 out of 10
    A better Bond film than those in the immediate past, it still pales in comparison to the Bond films of old. It seems that they've run out of new, fun gadgets and exotic locations to use in the films. And the entire ending is very similar to "You Only Live Twice," one of the early Sean Connery versions. Still, there are some fun sequences and thus we give the film a 6 out of 10.
    There is a lot of violence and killings throughout the movie. While none are particularly graphic, they are quite abundant as is the sexual innuendo that is flung back and forth by men and women alike. There's quite a bit of mean spiritedness throughout, and all of these elements combined should raise a warning flag for parents to consider when deciding whether their kids should see this film.

  • Bond displays a bottle of chilled champagne in his car.
  • Bond has his signature "martini, shaken not stirred" and Onatopp joins him.
  • People are seen drinking during a card game.
  • People are seen drinking at a military demonstration reception.
  • "M" offers Bond a drink. He states that her predecessor always had cognac, she says she has bourbon and they both drink.
  • A former KGB agent has a drink when talking with Bond.
  • A Russian general drinks from a flask as he's being chased by Bond in a tank.
  • The dead admiral falls out of a closet and lands on the floor, his eyes and mouth frozen open in a deadly grimace.
  • There's just a little bit of blood seen on the victims of the space station massacre.
  • A Russian general has some blood on his lip.
  • All of the bad guys have bad attitudes, most notably Onatopp who gets sadistic pleasure from killing her victims.
  • A Russian computer programmer hacks into a top secret U.S. defense computer system.
  • Bond and Natalya are strapped inside a helicopter that has just fired off two missiles that are now returning to strike the copter. They eject just in time as the copter explodes.
  • Bond holds a machine gun on Alec and Onatopp, but a Russian general has his gun on Natalya. Bond then kills the general and fires at the other two but misses. Bond and Natalya are then stuck in the locked train with a bomb counting down to explode. They just barely get out as it does explode.
  • The entire ending fight sequence might be tense to some people (details in "Violence").
  • Handguns/Machine guns: Are often used by both the good and bad guys, including Bond, to shoot at and/or kill many people. For details, see "Violence."
  • Explosives: Used to blow up a Russian weapons facility.
  • The opening musical number shows silhouetted nude women handling guns.
  • Satellite Weapon: Goldeneye fires an electromagnetic pulse which destroys all of the electrical equipment inside the space station research facility and causes three Russian fighter planes to crash.
  • Tank: Used by Bond to chase the bad guys and fire at an oncoming train carrying the bad guys.
  • Explosives: Are used to blow up a train.
  • Missile: Fired upon a plane that Bond and Natalya are flying and it blows up their wing. They then crash land, but are not hurt.
  • Exploding pen: Used to blow up a big part of the secret militant headquarters.
  • Bond races Onatopp down a curvy mountain road at high speeds.
  • A former KGB's mistress gives the international gesture for "f*ck you" when told to get off the stage.
  • None.
  • Just minor stuff as Bond walks through a "graveyard" of old Lenin statues to meet someone.
  • Many of the action scenes are accompanied by suspenseful music.
  • None.
  • 4 hells, 2 "ass" words, 1 damnit, and 1 use of "Good God" as an exclamation.
  • The opening musical number shows silhouetted nude women dancing.
  • Innuendo: Bond tells a woman, "Let's test your evaluation, a very thorough evaluation."
  • Innuendo: Referring to an earlier line where Bond stated that they shared three passions, Onatopp replies "I hope the third is where your real talent lies." He responds, "One rises to meet a challenge."
  • Innuendo: Onatopp takes her martini "straight up, with a twist."
  • Innuendo: Moneypenny slyly says to Bond, "I trust you'll stay "on a top" of things."
  • Onatopp is having foreplay with an admiral where she sits atop him. There's much moaning and groaning. It gets rough when she scratches his chest and then spins him over and puts him into a bear hugging leg lock. She squeezes until he suffocates and dies. There is no nudity.
  • A password clue to get into a computer system "They're right in front of you and can open big doors," refers to the slang term for breasts "knockers."
  • Innuendo: A computer hacker asks Natalya "Was it good for you?" after hacking into a top secret computer.
  • Innuendo: Bond asks Moneypenny, "What would I do without you?" She replies, "As far as I know James, you've never had me," and later, "Someday you're going to have to make good on your innuendos."
  • A former KGB agent refers to his "mistress" on stage.
  • As Onatopp comes on to Bond she says, "You don't need the gun." He replies "That depends on your definition of safe sex." She then starts passionately kissing Bond in a sauna and then gets him in her signature leg lock and begins crushing him. He stands with her legs still wrapped around him and smashes her into the walls trying to get her to release him. He finally sets her down on some hot coals and she lets go.
  • Alec comes on to Natalya and says that he and Bond used to share "everything" and "to the victor goes the spoils." He starts kissing her neck and she slaps him.
  • Innuendo: When another agent asks Bond (about Natalya) "Did you check her out?" he responds, "Head to toe."
  • Bond and Natalya are seen in bed together (implying that they had sex).
  • The opening musical number shows a woman smoking a cigar.
  • Onatopp occassionally smokes a cigar or cigarette.
  • People are seen smoking during a card game.
  • A computer hacker smokes a cigarette.
  • Russian officers smoke during a meeting.
  • A Russian guard is seen smoking.
  • There is talk that Bond's parents died during a climbing expedition.
  • Whether someone like Bond really exists, and his having a "license to kill."
  • Bond hits a soldier in the face after he drops down into a bathroom stall.
  • Bond shoots two soldiers dead.
  • Russian soldiers fire machine guns to blast through bullet proof glass so that they can fire at Bond and Alec.
  • Alec kills many soldiers with machine gun fire.
  • A Russian general holds his handgun to Alec's head and then pulls the trigger.
  • Soldiers shoot at Bond with their machine guns.
  • The Russian general shoots one of his own men dead who was firing at Bond against orders.
  • Bond fires at a gate which opens and spills barrels down onto the soldiers.
  • Bond kills many more soldiers with machine gun fire.
  • Bond races to and boards a plane, shoots a bad guy and tosses the pilot out. Another soldier is killed when he's hit by a motorcycle.
  • Onatopp is having foreplay with an admiral where she sits atop him. There's much moaning and groaning. It gets rough when she scratches his chest and then spins him over and puts him into a bear hugging leg lock. She squeezes until he suffocates and dies.
  • A deck hand attacks Bond who hits the man and then throws him down a flight of stairs.
  • Onatopp shoots and kills two helicopter pilots so that she can steal their copter.
  • Onatopp kills nearly everyone inside the space research station with a machine gun and gets off on doing so.
  • Goldeneye fires an electromagnetic pulse which destroys all of the electrical equipment inside a research facility and causes three Russian fighter planes to crash.
  • "Q" demonstrates many weapons to Bond, including a leg cast missile launcher and an exploding pen.
  • Bond holds his gun on an CIA agent while confirming his identity.
  • Bond holds a gun to a man's head and then has this action repeated on him when he goes to meet Valentine, a former KGB agent. Valentine shoots his gun between and then alongside Bond's legs to intimidate him.
  • As Onatopp comes on to Bond she says, "You don't need the gun." He replies "That depends on your definition of safe sex." She then starts passionately kissing Bond in a sauna and then gets him in her signature leg lock and begins crushing him. He stands with her legs still wrapped around him and smashes her into the walls trying to get her to release him. He finally sets her down on some hot coals and she lets go of him. A man comes by, thinking that he's beating her up, and tries to help, and Bond hits him away. He then pulls his gun on her and later knocks her unconscious after she's taken him to meet someone.
  • Bond is shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart.
  • Bond and Natalya are strapped inside a helicopter that has just fired off two missiles that are now returning to strike the copter. They eject just in time as the copter explodes.
  • In an interrogation room, a Russian general kills two men, and prepares to have Bond and Natalya killed when Bond fights back. He grabs a machine gun and kills many guards.
  • Bond grabs a tank and chases the Russian general and there is much tank related property damage as Bond drives over and through many cars and buildings.
  • Bond parks the tank on some train tracks where the bad guys' train is speeding toward it. Bond fires the big gun and the front of the train explodes, and then rams into the tank, ripping it apart.
  • Bond holds a machine gun on Alec and Onatopp, but the Russian general has his gun on Natalya. Bond then kills Urumov and fires at the other two but misses. Bond and Natalya are then stuck in the locked train car with a bomb counting down to explode. They just barely get out as it does explode.
  • A missile is fired upon the plane that Bond and Natalya are flying and it blows up their wing. They then crash land, but are not hurt.
  • Onatopp drops down from a copter on a rope and kicks Bond to the ground. Natalya tries to help Bond, but is head butted by Onatopp. Onatopp then puts him in her leg lock. Bond shoots the copter pilot, causing the copter to go out of control which pulls Onatopp back up into the air. She then gets pinned into a tree and is crushed to death.
  • Soldiers fire machine guns at Bond and Natalya.
  • Natalya attacks a computer hacker for betraying her and the guards pull her off of him.
  • An exploding pen blows up and most of the facility catches on fire and/or explodes.
  • Bond beats up a soldier in an elevator.
  • Alec fires a machine gun, and later a handgun, at Bond.
  • There is the obligatory fight scene between Bond and Alec where many punches, kicks and head butts are thrown, and guns fired.
  • Bond dangles from the top of a huge satellite dish with Alec attempting to make him fall to his death. He steps on Bond's hand who barely holds onto the last rung of a ladder several hundred feet up in the air.
  • Bond eventually gets the better of Alec and then ends up in the position of holding Alec by the fight way up in the air. He finally lets him go and Alec falls a long distance to the bottom of the dish. Bond then flees the dish as it explodes and collapses down onto the still barely alive Alec who is then crushed by the dish.
  • A computer hacker, thinking he's survived all of the destruction, is covered with liquid nitrogen and freezes like a statue.

  • Reviewed July 3, 1996

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