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(2000) (Michelle Rodriguez, Jaime Tirelli) (R)

Blood/Gore Disrespectful/
Bad Attitude
Tense Scenes
Moderate Minor Heavy Minor None
Mild None Minor Mild Extreme
Smoking Tense Family
Topics To
Talk About
Moderate Minor Moderate Mild Moderate

Drama: A quick-tempered young woman faces various obstacles and complications when she takes up boxing as a way of releasing her pent-up frustration and anger.
Diana Guzman (MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ) is a quick-tempered, high school senior who's facing suspension if she gets into one more fight at school. With her only friend being another classmate, Marisol (ELISA BOCANEGRA), and living in some Brooklyn projects with her dismissive father, Sandro (PAUL CALDERON) -- who doesn't think she's feminine enough -- and her younger brother, Tiny (RAY SANTIAGO), Diane doesn't see much of a bright future for herself.

That changes while running an errand for her father to a local boxing gym where it turns out Tiny's taking lessons from Hector (JAIME TIRELLI), a seasoned coach. When she decks Ray (VICTOR SIERRA), another boxer who was picking on Tiny, she suddenly realizes she's found her niche.

Stealing money from her father's dresser drawer and swearing Tiny to secrecy, Diane begins taking lessons with Hector, although her lack of skill and control initially frustrates her. Nonetheless, after weeks of training, she becomes quite good, wanting to have her first fight, and proves to be a formidable competitor.

When her friendship with fellow boxer and potential opponent, Adrian (SANTIAGO DOUGLAS), turns into something more substantial, however, Diana finds herself torn between her love of boxing and her newfound more feminine side, and must figure out what to do next.

Those who are into boxing might, with the film potentially becoming something of a hit among young urban girls who might see the protagonist as a role model.
For language.
  • MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ plays an angry and quick-tempered young woman who uses strong profanity and channels her aggression and tendency toward violence through boxing. Her femininity then blossoms as she becomes more proficient and thus confident in herself. As such, she falls for a male boxer and briefly fools around with him (although they don't have sex).
  • SANTIAGO DOUGLAS plays the boxer she falls for, a young man trying to better his situation through competitive boxing. When he discovers that might have to box her, he occasionally slips into stereotypical/sexist beliefs about men and women. He also uses some strong profanity.
  • JAIME TIRELLI plays Diana's inspirational coach who pushes her to realize her goals and abilities. He briefly uses some profanity.
  • PAUL CALDERON plays Diana's dismissive, sexist father who's constantly demeaning to her because of her gender and the fact that he doesn't think she's feminine enough. He also uses strong profanity and drinks.
  • RAY SANTIAGO plays Diana's brainy younger brother who doesn't want to follow his father's stereotypical life plan for him.


    Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit?
    Then read OUR TAKE of this film.

    (Note: The "Our Take" review of this title examines the film's artistic merits and does not take into account any of the possibly objectionable material listed below).

    Here's a quick summary of the content found in this R-rated drama. Profanity is rated as extreme due to at least 26 uses of the "f" word, while other expletives and colorful phrases are also uttered. Some brief, but sexually explicit dialogue is also present, while a young man and woman make out and fool around in bed (but don't have sex and there's no nudity).

    Various characters have varying degrees of bad attitudes (including some sexist ones) that lead to some tense family moments between a 18-year-old woman and her demeaning father, including one physical confrontation. Other violence (punching/fighting) occurs both in and out of the ring. Meanwhile, a few characters also drink.

    Should you still be concerned about the film and its appropriateness for anyone in your home, we suggest that you take a closer look at our detailed content listings for more specific examples of what occurs in the film.

  • Sandro and his friends have beer in front of them while playing cards.
  • Sandro has a beer.
  • Sandro has a beer with dinner.
  • People have drinks at a boxing match.
  • People have drinks at Hector's home during a party.
  • We see that Sandro has been drinking.
  • Diane has a tiny bit of blood from her nose during a match, as well as a black eye after being hit.
  • At the beginning of the movie, Diana is a quick-tempered young woman with a chip on her shoulder who has a bad and defiant attitude and attacks another girl (albeit for sleeping with Marisol's boyfriend).
  • Sandro thinks it's a waste of time for Tiny to pursue an art scholarship, and instead pays for his boxing lessons (while he doesn't give any money to Diana and asks why she can't be more feminine).
  • Diana steals some of her father's money from his dresser drawer so that she can pay for her boxing lessons.
  • A male boxer is disqualified during a match for inappropriate behavior toward Diana.
  • Sandro tells Diana that she looked like a loser in the boxing ring.
  • One of Hector's coaching associates says that girls can't box and Adrian later states he hasn't trained all of this time to end up being stuck in a ring with a girl (Diana).
  • Diana punches her father and then slams him against the refrigerator (after he drunkenly tries to come at her). She then throws him to the floor where she repeatedly kicks him and then grabs him by the throat, briefly choking him.
  • None.
  • Phrases: "You're f*cking crazy," "You f*cking bitch," "What the f*ck?" "F*ck(ed) up," "You tell dad and I'll f*cking kill you," "You little sh*t," "Treats you like sh*t," "Bullsh*t," "Full of sh*t," "I don't give a sh*t," "Holy sh*t," "Don't be a d*ck," "You suck," "Bitch," "Stinky skank," "Kick your ass," "Bozo," "Punk," "Piss in my pants," "Nuts" (crazy), "Pissing me off," "Pissed," "Idiot," "Creep," "Shut up" and "Old fart."
  • It's possible that the film could inspire some girls to take up boxing and act like Diana.
  • Diana hocks a pendent at a pawnshop for more money for her boxing lessons.
  • None.
  • A tiny bit of suspenseful music plays in the film.
  • A song included 3 uses of the "s" word, as well as "t*t" and "nigger" in its lyrics, while another rap song had lyrics that could not be understood.
  • At least 26 "f' words (1 used sexually), 16 "s" words, 4 slang terms for/using male genitals ("d*ck" and "pr*ck"), 3 slang terms for/using female genitals ("p*ssy" and "trim"), 1 slang term for breasts ("t*t"), 4 hells, 3 asses (2 used with "hole"), 2 craps, 1 damn and 1 use each of "G-damn," "Jesus Christ" and "Swear to God" as exclamations.
  • Two teenage girls argue about one stealing the other's boyfriend, with one saying, "You f*cked him" and the other denying it. Diana, who's witnessing this, says that the other girl did have sex with the guy.
  • Later, Diana, mocking that girl, says "Suck your d*ck," stating that's all she's good for.
  • Diana and Adrian briefly make out.
  • After having a fight with her father, Diana shows up at Adrian's place and asks if she can spend the night there. He says that she can, but that there can't be any "monkey business." She then replies that she thought all guys would jump at a chance like this and then adds, "I guess I'm not prime trim." Nonetheless, he climbs on top of her in his small bed, kisses her on the mouth and then on the belly, but he then stops, stating that his coach told him to "keep a lid on it" (not have sex before his match). Thus, they end up sleeping side by side, but don't have sex.
  • Adrian and Diana make out some more.
  • We see a man with an unlit cigarette above his ear.
  • Diana and her father don't get along (due to the way he treats her, as well as her surly attitude) and they have several fights (mostly verbal, although one turns physical where she beats him - see "Violence").
  • Diana states that her mother committed suicide sometime in the past (apparently due, in some part, to the way Sandro treated her).
  • Boxing, the women who participate in the sport, and the stereotypical reaction to men competing against them (if a man wins, he beat a woman, while if he loses, he was beaten by a woman, etc.).
  • How Diana uses boxing as an outlet for her anger, and in doing so, becomes more confident in herself.
  • The way in which Sandro treated his children differently (with double standards).
  • Mad at a girl for sleeping with Marisol's boyfriend (or a guy she was interested in), Diana slams that girl against the lockers and then gets her on the floor where she hits her.
  • There's the typical boxing violence of people being punched and hit in the ring.
  • Diana slugs a young boxer in the face.
  • Diana takes a plate and violently throws it to the floor.
  • Diana punches her father and then slams him against the refrigerator (after he drunkenly tries to come at her). She then throws him to the floor where she repeatedly kicks him and then grabs him by the throat, briefly strangling him.

  • Reviewed August 30, 2000 / Posted September 29, 2000

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