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(2004) (Lindsay Lohan, Alison Pill) (PG)

Blood/Gore Disrespectful/
Bad Attitude
Tense Scenes
Moderate Minor Heavy Minor None
Mild None None None Mild
Smoking Tense Family
Topics To
Talk About
Mild None Mild Moderate Minor

Comedy: A teenager who's prone to over-dramatizing her life must deal with moving to a new home and school as well as the break-up of her favorite rock 'n roll band.
Lola Cep (LINDSAY LOHAN) is a 15-year-old who thinks her life is ruined when her single mom, Karen (GLENNE HEADLY), moves her and her younger sisters from Manhattan to the suburbs of Delwood, New Jersey. Her only point of happiness is with her undying fan love for Stu Wolff (ADAM GARCIA), the lead singer of the rock 'n roll band Sidarthur.

Things look up when she meets fellow diehard fan Ella Gerard (ALISON PILL) on her first day at school, and catches sight of local hunk Sam (ELI MARIENTHAL). Yet, not everyone is so friendly, with rich girl Carla Santini (MEGAN FOX) leading a pack of high school snobs. She and Lola immediately clash, particularly when both compete for the lead in an updated version of Pygmalion to be directed by the school's drama teacher, Miss Baggoli (CAROL KANE).

When Lola learns that Sidarthur has announced they're breaking up, however, she thinks her life has gone into yet another tailspin. After Carla announces that she'll be attending their last performance and a post-concert party, Lola lies that she and Ella will also be going. Not wanting to use her father, Calum (TOM McCAMUS), for help, Lola tries to score tickets for the concert and party, all while dealing with Carla and rehearsing for her big debut in the school's play.

It's a good bet many young teenage girls and "tweens" will want to see it, especially if they're fans of Lohan.
For mild thematic elements and brief language.
  • LINDSAY LOHAN plays a 15-year-old who over-dramatizes the trials and tribulations of her life. Hoping to make a name for herself, she tries out for the school play, but continues with her bouts of lying in trying to impress others and/or make her life seem more interesting than it is.
  • ALISON PILL plays her new friend at school, a more strait-lace girl who similarly likes Sidarthur but is reluctant to lie in order to attend their concert and post-party.
  • ADAM GARCIA plays the lead singer of their favorite rock 'n roll band who's drunk in one scene and disappoints Lola and her perception of him and his music. He uses brief profanity.
  • GLENNE HEADLY plays Lola's single mom who must put up with her daughter being a drama queen.
  • ELI MARIENTHAL plays the local hunk at school who befriends Lola and helps her "borrow" a theater costume for a party.
  • CAROL KANE plays the somewhat high strung, high school drama teacher.
  • MEGAN FOX plays the rich and snobby girl at school who instantly despises Lola and constantly tries to undermine her.
  • TOM McCAMUS plays Lola's divorced/separated father who looks out for her well-being.


    Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit?
    Then read OUR TAKE of this film.

    (Note: The "Our Take" review of this title examines the film's artistic merits and does not take into account any of the possibly objectionable material listed below).

    The following is a quick look at the content found in this comedy that's been rated PG. Profanity consists of 1 "s" word, while a handful of other expletives and colorful phrases are present. A brief and non-explicit, but sexually related remark is made, a girl stares at a guy's clothed rear, and some shapely teens are seen in tight-fitting attire.

    Some imitative behavior is present, as are some bad attitudes. A few instances of slapstick style material are present, while the protagonist's parents are divorced or separated. Some thematic elements include that, lying and idols who turn out not to be what's expected of them. The latter includes a rock 'n roll star who's drunk and then drinks again.

    If you're still concerned about the film and its appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home who may be interested in seeing it, we suggest that you take a closer look at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content.

  • Stu is drunk, stumbles out of a party and down an alley where he falls into the trash. Lola tries to defend him by saying he drinks so much to numb the intensity of his feelings.
  • People have drinks at a party.
  • Stu drinks again and is a bit tipsy (on the same night of previously being drunk).
  • Stu states that he's sober and is in recovery (adding, "Again").
  • We see bird excrement land on a windshield.
  • Carla and her friends immediately have bad attitudes toward Lola on her first day of school (they also have condescending attitudes toward Ella, calling her "Ella never had a fella").
  • Lola lies about her father being dead. Later, she lies about having tickets to a concert and being invited to a post-concert party.
  • When Lola goes to audition on stage, Carla snidely tells her friend that if they're lucky, maybe Lola will fall.
  • Some viewers might not like a comedy bit where Lola is dressed up like Gandhi doing a hunger strike (over not being able to go to a concert and party).
  • Lola tries to convince Ella to lie to her parents about their plans (all while Ella cries over the fact that she can't lie).
  • Sam conspires to "borrow" a stage play dress from a locked costume room (for Lola to wear to a party). We later see that he indeed managed to steal it.
  • Realizing they have no money for concert ticket scalpers, Lola convinces Ella that they should attempt to sneak into a concert.
  • After Ella says that she's been grounded (for lying to her parents), Lola enthusiastically says she has as well and then tells Ella that she's proud of her for that.
  • Carla makes others think that Lola is lying about attending Stu's post-concert party and they all laugh at her.
  • A mysterious man follows Ella and Lola down the sidewalks of NYC at night, and Ella becomes nervous. It turns out to be Lola's dad who's just following them to make sure they're okay.
  • None.
  • Phrases: "Don't be such a drama queen," "Jeez," "Look what the wind blew in," "Look what the cat dragged in," "Loser," "Are you partially insane?" "Slimeball" and "Cut the crap."
  • Carla and several other girls wear midriff-revealing tops in several scenes.
  • Lola lies in various scenes and gets Ella to do the same (against the latter's better judgment).
  • Realizing they have no money for concert ticket scalpers, Lola convinces Ella that they should attempt to sneak into a concert.
  • We see some graffiti on walls.
  • We see a miscellaneous guy with a Mohawk haircut.
  • Ella and Lola jump up and down on a bed.
  • Lola wears a midriff-revealing top.
  • Lola acts sick in bed to avoid having to go out and star in a play.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • At least 1 "s" word, 1 crap and 4 uses of "Oh my God."
  • We see a large poster of a shirtless Stu lying back in a sexy pose with his guitar across his body.
  • Representing Lola's point of view, the camera focuses in tight on Sam's jean-covered butt.
  • When Ella hears that Lola had a regular father, she states, "I thought you were a love child." Lola then replies that she was as her parents were deeply in love.
  • Lola shows a little bit of cleavage.
  • Lola wears a short and tight/form-fitting dress and later wears an ultra-tight costume.
  • Carla shows a little cleavage.
  • We see a brief kiss between Lola and Sam.
  • None.
  • Lola lies about her father being dead. We briefly see a non-realistic, fantasy sequence where he rides his motorcycle into the side of a truck (we don't see the impact and it's all played quite lightly). We later learn that he's alive and then see him in various scenes. He and Karen are divorced or separated.
  • Lola's over-dramatized reactions to what occurs in her life.
  • Lola's need to lie about various things.
  • Moving to new towns and schools.
  • Having parents who are divorced or separated.
  • Idols who turn out not to be what's expected of them.
  • Lola makes a comment that 15-year-olds in other cultures are mothers or grandmothers.
  • Lola lies about her father being dead. We briefly see a non-realistic, fantasy sequence where he rides his motorcycle into the side of a truck (we don't see the impact and it's all played quite lightly).
  • Slapstick style material includes the following:
  • Lola accidentally runs into a tree on her bike and wipes out (she's okay).
  • In a sped-up comedy sequence, Carla and Lola knock or toss various items in a school hallway into the path of the other, resulting in some slapstick style slips and falls as they race through the school. The two girls eventually slam face-first into locked doors (both are fine).
  • Lola accidentally knocks down another dancer.
  • Lola knocks a pastry aside that hits a cop.
  • Carla purposefully knocks items off a dressing table. Lola then accidentally sprays hairspray into Miss Baggoli's face.
  • Carla accidentally falls into a fountain (she's okay).

  • Reviewed February 17, 2004 / Posted February 20, 2004

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