[Screen It]


When available, we'll offer free passes (or chances to win free passes) to sneak previews of movies and other events in the *markets where the the Movie Studios hold word of mouth, promo and promo/press screenings.

These are special sneak previews that are not available to the general public. All information will be kept confidential and will be used solely to notify you in case of future sneak previews.

Screen It does not control the availability of passes. Please don't write us asking for tickets. We'll notify you when passes are available.

As for all promotional screenings, if you're awarded free passes, please arrive early as theater capacity is limited and seating is not guaranteed.

Screen It, any promotional partner, the releasing studio and any company working with them WILL NOT be liable or responsible for the overbooking of any preview, nor in the event that passes are unexpectedly not available.

*We currently provide passes in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. markets. If enough people sign up in the other top 60 markets, we'lll be able to provide promo passes in those as well.

All Rights Reserved,
©1996-2017 Screen It, Inc.

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