[Screen It]


(2004) (Anthony Mackie, Kerry Washington) (R)

Blood/Gore Disrespectful/
Bad Attitude
Tense Scenes
Moderate Moderate Heavy Minor Mild
Mild Minor None None Extreme
Smoking Tense Family
Topics To
Talk About
Extreme Mild Mild Heavy Moderate

Drama: A recently fired corporate whistleblower finds himself in a new line of work when his ex-girlfriend and her lesbian acquaintances pay him to impregnate them.
Jack Armstrong (ANTHONY MACKIE) works for a biotech firm that's quite close to unveiling an AIDS vaccine that could make him, his boss Margo Chadwick (ELLEN BARKIN) and especially chairman Leland Powell (WOODY HARRELSON) a lot of money. Yet when one of the lead scientists commits suicide and Jack learns of various corporate wrongdoings, he blows the whistle on the company. Not surprisingly, that gets him fired and Powell makes sure that he's unemployable in the rest of the industry.

Jack tries to get his bearings with help from his parents, Geronimo (JIM BROWN) and Lottie Armstrong (LONETTE MCKEE), and brother, Jamal (MICHAEL GENET), but doesn't expect the business opportunity that literally and figuratively drops into his lap. It seems that his ex-girlfriend Fatima Goodrich (KERRY WASHINGTON) would like to pay him to impregnate her and her lesbian lover Alex Guerrero (DANIA RAMIREZ).

Jack is initially reluctant, but with no job and no access to cash, he eventually agrees. Soon, Fatima is acting as his pimp, bringing him various lesbian clients who want access to his strong physical genes. Among them is Simona Bonasera (MONICA BELLUCCI), the daughter of mafioso Don Angelo Bonasera (JOHN TURTURRO). That eventually draws the attention of Agent Flood (ISIAH WHITLOCK) who wants to know what sort of connection Jack has with the mob.

As Jack keeps impregnating ever more lesbians, he must decide what to do with his life and tries to sort out his feelings for Fatima, all while dealing with the increased federal scrutiny facing him and the unexpected notoriety of fathering many children with a number of lesbians.

If they're fans of director Spike Lee or anyone in the cast they might, but this one doesn't otherwise look to enticing for most other kids.
For strong graphic sexuality/nudity, language and a scene of violence.
  • ANTHONY MACKIE plays a corporate executive who's fired from his job and blackballed from the industry for being a whistleblower. Unemployed and with no income, he reluctantly agrees to impregnate his former girlfriend and her current lesbian lover for pay and then ends up doing the same for many lesbian women. He also uses strong profanity.
  • KERRY WASHINGTON plays his former girlfriend who's now a lesbian and becomes his pimp of sorts by getting him paying gigs to impregnate other lesbians. She uses strong profanity.
  • ELLEN BARKIN plays his former boss, a ruthless corporate woman who uses strong profanity.
  • MONICA BELLUCCI plays a lesbian mafia princess who wants Jack to impregnate her.
  • WOODY HARRELSON plays the corrupt head of the company where Jack formerly worked and who's now making sure no one will hire him.
  • DANIA RAMIREZ plays Fatima's lesbian lover who uses strong profanity and eventually lets Jack impregnate her.
  • JOHN TURTURRO plays a mafioso who briefly befriends Jack.


    Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit?
    Then read OUR TAKE of this film.

    (Note: The "Our Take" review of this title examines the film's artistic merits and does not take into account any of the possibly objectionable material listed below).

    The following is a brief summary of the content found in this R-rated drama. Profanity consists of at least 69 "f" words, while plenty of other expletives and colorful phrases are uttered. Sexually explicit dialogue is present, as are many sexual encounters (featuring graphic movement, related sounds and varying views of male and female nudity) mainly featuring a straight man impregnating lesbians for money, but there's also some lesbian footage.

    Some real human births are seen with accompanying graphic nudity and related bodily fluids, while some fantastical moments show cartoon sperm on their way toward various eggs.

    Various characters have varying degrees of bad attitudes, a man commits suicide by jumping from a building (and accidentally kills others with bloody results), some guns are held on others in a flashback, and an adult hears his older parents arguing. Some characters drink and/or smoke and several drug references are made. Various thematic elements (homosexuality, corporate crimes, etc.) are also present.

    If you're still concerned about the film and its appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home who may be interested in seeing it, we suggest that you take a closer look at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content.

    For those concerned with bright flashes of light on the screen, some of that occurs in a scene late in the movie.

  • Jack asks if Margo is drinking and she replies that she is and isn't done yet.
  • Alex tells Jack the ground rules for him impregnating them, including that he can't have any sexually transmitted diseases and can't be using drugs.
  • A worker asks Powell if he's on crack (in regards to how he's running the company) and that if he's not, he should be.
  • A woman drinks in bed and Jack has a drink in between sexual encounters.
  • A woman gives Jack a can of Red Bull.
  • Jack and Margo drink.
  • Simona tells her girlfriend to have a stiff drink.
  • Don Angelo has some wine.
  • Don Angelo does a bit from "The Godfather" and mentions drugs.
  • We see a wine bottle near a picnic basket.
  • We see blood on a suicide jumper's face and body, as well as on a victim inside a vending cart who was killed by the fall.
  • Fatima mentions women who work or live together menstruating at the same time.
  • We see Geronimo inserting a needle into his abdomen for his diabetes (no blood, but it may be an unsettling sight for some).
  • We see brief shots of a live human birth (thus the head coming out of the woman's visible vagina/genitals). There's also goo on the baby. We later see another live birth with the same views.
  • Some viewers may not like an opening credits shot of a $3 bill with President Bush's face on it.
  • Margo refers to a scientist at the firm as a Nazi and is rather cold about his recent suicide (stating they have bigger problems than what he did).
  • Jack finds workers shredding potentially incriminating corporate papers, etc.
  • We hear that Powell is a corrupt corporate head and we hear about insider trading.
  • Powell puts out the word to other companies not to hire Jack and talks of hiring people of the darker nation (meaning African-Americans).
  • We see a purposefully exaggerated flashback to the Watergate events where some famous white men call a black security guard "boy" and hold their guns on him.
  • Fatima serves as Jack's pimp and takes ten percent of his earnings.
  • We hear that Fatima had a lesbian affair after she and Jack were engaged in the past.
  • A sleazy male doorman comes on to various lesbians as they get into an elevator, and even lifts up one of their skirts.
  • There's talk about what famous people would get for their sperm. One included person is Jesus of Nazareth (and some viewers might not like the association with the subject matter).
  • Margo states that she lost her second pregnancy, with the implication that she aborted the first (those opposed to abortion won't like that).
  • There's talk of a fertility doctor impregnating 70 women with his own sperm (sometime in the past).
  • Some of Don Angelo's goons spot Simona's lesbian girlfriend and say "Look at the f*cking balls on this one." The terms "carpet munchers" and muff divers" are then used. One guy says that lesbianism is "f*cking disgusting" but adds that he'll watch.
  • Don Angelo does a bit from "The Godfather" and mentions drugs as well as the fact that "coloreds are animals."
  • Some viewers might not like a mock Bush commercial using the KKK, the term "porch monkey" and more when referring to affirmative action.
  • A distraught man leaps from a window and crashes onto a vending stand, killing himself, the worker inside it and possibly two people nearby (we see their bodies on the sidewalk, but don't know if they're dead or just unconscious).
  • We see Geronimo inserting a needle into his abdomen for his diabetes (no blood, but it may be an unsettling sight for some).
  • We see a purposefully exaggerated flashback to the Watergate events where some famous white men call a black security guard "boy" and hold their guns on him. The men then fire their guns in the air in celebration.
  • We see another flashback to Watergate where a gun is drawn and then men hold guns on each other.
  • Phrases: "They f*cked us (where it hurts), "Give a f*ck," "A bunch of f*cking morons," "It's f*cking necessary," "Get the f*ck out of /my office/here," "You f*cked me up, down and all around," "F*cking calm down," "F*cking unbelievable," "Oh f*ck yeah," "F*cked up," "F*ck it," "What the f*ck," "Who the f*ck is this?" "You're f*cking killing me," "Quit f*cking around," "Shut the f*ck up," "You're so f*cked up," "You're crazy as a m*therf*ck," "Look at the f*cking balls on this one," "F*cking disgusting," "Why are you still f*cking with me?" "I wouldn't date him, I'd f*ck him," "F*ck you," "This sh*t is f*cked up," "Ain't irony a m*therf*ck," "Oh sh*t," "This is some sick sh*t," "Money talks and bullsh*t walks," "No time for the bullsh*t," "Get your sh*t," "This sh*t ain't cool," "That's some freaky sh*t," "No sh*t," "Scare the sh*t out of you," "Shee-it" (said in an exaggerated fashion), "I don't do d*ck," "Man milk" (semen), "Tighter than two t*tties in a push-up bra," "Magic wand d*ck," "Mark Spitz sperm," "Ejacotorium," "I feel like such a whore," "Carpet munchers" and Muff divers" (lesbians), "Nigger" (said many times by black people), "Porch monkey" (black person), "Bitch" (thing), "What the hell /is going on/is wrong with you?" "Kraut" (German person), "Dumb ass," "You have lost your damn mind," "TMGDI" (too much G*ddamn information), "Bunch of mental midgets," "Up in this bitch," "Natural black ass," "Have you lost your damn mind?" "Wicked bitch of the east side," "Dykes," "Damn good point," "Oh hell no," "Strip bitch" (what a woman says to Jack), "She hate me" (nickname for an old girlfriend), "Bitch boy," "Nut" (testicle)," "That's a damn shame," "Got your ass," "My ass," "Big ass," "Don't go hormonal on me" and "Jerks."
  • A distraught man leaps from a window and crashes onto a vending stand, killing himself, the worker inside it and possibly two people nearby.
  • Fatima serves as Jack's pimp and takes ten percent of his earnings.
  • A woman wears a midriff-revealing top.
  • A woman has tattoos.
  • Alex has a pierced navel.
  • Various men give "the finger" to others.
  • A body suddenly lands on a vending stand.
  • None.
  • None.
  • At least 69 "f" words (9 used with "mother," 4 used sexually), 37 "s" words, 9 slang terms using male genitals ("d*ck," "pr*ck," "tube steak" and "man-stick," 3 using female genitals ("p*ssy" and "cootchie"), 2 for breasts (variations of "t*t"), 16 hells, 13 damns, 10 asses (1 used with "hole"), 1 S.O.B., 7 uses of "G-damn," 3 of "Oh my God," 2 each of "God," "Jesus Christ" and "Oh God" and 1 use of "For God's sakes."
  • Fatima and Alex (her lesbian lover) have arrived at Jack's place and want him to impregnate both of them. He tells them to try a sperm bank, but Fatima says that's like shopping for Gucci at Wal-Mart.
  • Alex tells Jack the ground rules for him impregnating them, including that he can't have any sexually transmitted diseases and can't be using drugs.
  • Fatima tells Jack (about him impregnating her and Alex), "We hope you have a full tank 'cuz we want every drop you have."
  • We see Fatima in some lingerie, garters and a thong bottom (that shows most of her bare butt) as she talks with Jack. She then tells him, "Drop your drawers and let's get to work." As she pulls down his pants, Alex (a woman) walks in with the equivalent of a turkey baster and states, "I don't do d*ck" and "You're not poking that thing inside me." Fatima, however, wants to get impregnated the old-fashioned way. We then see a shot of them having sex, with Fatima's legs wrapped around his waist as they stand. They then have sex up against the wall with lots of thrusting, related sounds (moaning and heaving breathing) and various shots of him between her legs (we see his bare butt in some).
  • Fatima brings a group of lesbians to Jack's place (for him to impregnate them). A few wear revealing attire, including one who has just straps across her otherwise visible breasts, while others show cleavage. One lesbian checks out another's clothed butt. One asks if Jack is circumcised and then says that if he's not, she won't go anywhere near him. Another woman doesn't know what that term means. Another woman states that she's never been with a man and wonders if it (sex) is painful.
  • A woman demands that Jack strip so that they know what they're buying. Slang comments are made for his penis, including "tube steak" and "man stick" and the women like what they see. We see a brief silhouette shot of him as he spins around (with a possible brief glimpse of the silhouette of his penis). A woman tells Jack that he now knows what it's like to be a sexual object.
  • We see a montage of Jack having sex with various lesbians in and out of bed. One tells him, "Nigger, come and get it" and something about "stick me," "stab me" and "when I wrap my lips around your" (but stops short of saying "d*ck," the end of the rhyme). We see a woman's bare breasts and her spreading her legs and thrusting her hips. Another woman shows bare breasts and a comment is made that she hasn't had sex with a guy since high school. We then see quick shots of various sexual encounters (in various positions) with movement, sounds, bare breasts and his bare butt between spread legs.
  • We then see a cartoon representation of his sperm (with his face on them) racing through his and/or her body parts where they eventually reach the respective eggs (with the woman's face on them) and fertilize them.
  • Fatima tells Jack that she'll need more of his "man milk" for Alex and leaves him a cup.
  • Fatima brings more women for Jack and we then see more animated views of his sperm doing their thing.
  • Fatima states that she knew she was gay since high school, but still seriously dated Jack despite knowing that. Jack then asks if she's gay, bi or straight.
  • There's talk about the first time Fatima had sex with a woman and the "f" word is used sexually. When Jack asks what she learned, she says, "I love p*ssy too."
  • There's talk of men "f*cking" other men and getting AIDS.
  • A comment is made that women cheat (sexually) when they're ovulating and that men cheat when they're breathing.
  • The "f" word is used sexually.
  • We see a flashback of Jack walking in on Fatima and Alex (a woman) having sex. We see bare breasts and butts with one woman moving on top of the other (with related sounds).
  • A sleazy male doorman comes on to various lesbians as they get into an elevator, and even lifts up one of their skirts.
  • More lesbians enter Jack's place for sex, with one saying she hopes he has a strong back and another grabbing his clothed crotch.
  • We see another montage of Jack having sex with various lesbians, including one (in her panties) who's holding a vibrator and states that she has a better chance of conceiving if she "comes." She then playfully puts the large vibrator against his underwear-covered crotch. Another chokes him during sex while moving on top of him, and he's on top of another with movement and views of her bare breasts. He then tells the last woman to come back tomorrow as there's nothing left, but she climbs into bed, looks under the covers at his crotch (that we don't see) and says, "That's pitiful." She then tells him to watch some porn, do some phone sex or whatever it takes for him to "get it up."
  • We see more animated sperm.
  • We see many shots of Jack lying nude on a bed (exhausted from too much sex) and we see several views of his bare butt.
  • Alex, who's yet to get pregnant by artificial insemination, arrives and tells Jack that she wants to get her money's worth. She says that the women see him as "d*ck, balls and sperm" and then disrobes (we see her standing in her panties). They have sex (we hear sounds) and she then leaves.
  • A comment is made about Jack's "magic wand d*ck" and that he has "too much cootchie on your d*ck."
  • We see an artsy painting on a wall that shows a fully nude woman lying down (we see her bare breasts).
  • After learning that Alex had sex with Jack, Fatima is jealous and says, "I thought you didn't like d*ck."
  • We see Alex in her bra that shows cleavage.
  • Fatima and Alex do some passionate kissing with heavy breathing and some movement as Alex moves between Fatima's spread legs as she sits up on a counter (both are clothed).
  • A friend of Jack's states that he's going to donate sperm, there's talk of "Mark Spitz" sperm (meaning they're good swimmers) and then other talk about what famous people would get for their sperm. One included person is Jesus of Nazareth (and some viewers might not like the association with the subject matter). Jack is then surprised when the friend walks out (carrying a container of semen) and says that the guy just walked in there (meaning he was fast).
  • Simona shows up, showing some cleavage, to have Jack impregnate her. After a bit, we see more swimming animated sperm and Simona then reacts in a jolt, saying that his sperm just met her egg.
  • A classic African statue shows bare breasts.
  • There's talk of a fertility doctor impregnating 70 women with his own sperm (sometime in the past).
  • There's talk that sex and scandals always make the front page news.
  • Some of Don Angelo's goons spot Simona's lesbian girlfriend and say "Look at the f*cking balls on this one." The terms "carpet munchers" and muff divers" are then used. One guy says that lesbianism is "f*cking disgusting" but adds that he'll watch.
  • A lawyer makes a comment that good money or "p*ssy" is hard to turn down.
  • A woman says about a guy, "I wouldn't date him, I'd f*ck him."
  • We see brief shots of a live human birth (thus the head coming out of the woman's visible vagina/genitals as well as the infant's penis). There's also goo on the baby. We later see another live birth with the same views.
  • Alex and Fatima kiss, then Fatima and Jack kiss, and then Jack and Alex kiss (all in a group hug).
  • Don Angelo smokes a cigar, while some miscellaneous people smoke in several scenes.
  • Jack attends the funeral of a coworker and only two older women (presumably family members or friends) attend with him.
  • Jack's mother isn't happy with Jack's father being sick (he has diabetes) and Jack then overhears them loudly arguing and not getting along with each other. There's talk of hearing the parents arguing when the boys were just kids.
  • Corporate scandals.
  • The FDA and its approval process for new drugs, etc.
  • Corporate whistleblowers.
  • AIDS and attempts to find a vaccine or cure for the disease.
  • Homosexuality.
  • Gays and adoption.
  • We see Geronimo inserting a needle into his abdomen for his diabetes (no blood, but it may be an unsettling sight for some).
  • The Watergate events.
  • Homophobia.
  • A comment is made that women cheat (sexually) when they're ovulating and that men cheat when they're breathing.
  • Jamal tells Jack what he's doing his wrong and that he should get a vasectomy.
  • There's talk that sex and scandals always make the front page news.
  • The question about why there are more African American males in jail than in college.
  • The comment that survival makes people do things they know are wrong.
  • A black cop comments that he's had enough of black men spreading children around (by siring them).
  • The comment that not to know is bad, but not wanting to know is worse.
  • A distraught man leaps from a window and crashes onto a vending stand, killing himself, the worker inside it and possibly two people nearby (we see their bodies on the sidewalk, but don't know if they're dead or just unconscious).
  • We see Jack fly out of an office and to the floor (after someone has thrown him out).
  • Some security guards struggle with Jack as they remove him from a building.
  • We see another flashback to Watergate where a gun is drawn and then men hold guns on each other.

  • Reviewed July 12, 2004 / Posted May August 20, 2004

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