[Screen It]


(2005) (Queen Latifah, Alicia Silverstone) (PG-13)

Blood/Gore Disrespectful/
Bad Attitude
Tense Scenes
Moderate Minor Heavy Minor Minor
Moderate None None Mild Heavy
Smoking Tense Family
Topics To
Talk About
Heavy *None Moderate Moderate Mild

Comedy: A talented beautician quits her job to open her own shop where she must deal with the headaches of dealing with her staff, clients and other daily issues.
Gina Norris (QUEEN LATIFAH) is a single mom who's moved from Chicago to Atlanta so that her musically gifted daughter, Vanessa (PAIGE HURD), can attend school there. They live with Paulette (LAURA HAYES), who has her hands full with her teenage daughter Darnelle (KESHIA KNIGHT PULLIAM) who's into wearing provocative clothing and dating all of the wrong sorts of men.

Gina works as a hair stylist for demanding and demeaning European owner Jorge Christophe (KEVIN BACON) who routinely takes credit for Gina's work and has no problem putting down lowly shampoo girl Lynn (ALICIA SILVERSTONE). When Gina has finally had enough, she quits and decides to open her own beauty shop with Lynn in tow.

It's not long before Gina's previous clients from Jorge's salon -- including Atlanta socialites Joanne Marcus (MENA SUVARI) and Terri Green (ANDIE MacDOWELL) -- follow her to her place, where she has to jettison some of the stylists who worked for the previous owner.

Others, however, such as Miss Josephine (ALFRE WOODARD), Chanel (GOLDEN BROOKS) and the pregnant Ida (SHERRI SHEPHERD), stay on, while Gina brings on new stylists such as James (BRYCE WILSON). She must also put up with an eclectic assortment of characters who enter her shop every day, such as Willie (LIL' JJ), a boy hustler who's into videotaping women's posteriors.

For Gina, it's not all work and no play, however, as she soon finds herself attracted to Joe (DJIMON HOUNSOU), the electrician/piano player who lives upstairs from her shop. Even so, Gina must worry about making ends meet and keeping the shop open, all while dealing with a tough state inspector and the efforts of Jorge to sabotage her business.

If they're fans of the "Barbershop" films or anyone in this cast, they just might.
For sexual material, language and brief drug references (on appeal from the original R rating).
  • QUEEN LATIFAH plays a single mom who quits her job as a stylist to open her own beauty shop. She must contend with demanding customers and workers, and other business dealings. She uses some profanity and starts falling for Joe.
  • PAIGE HURD plays Gina's musically talented daughter.
  • LAURA HAYES plays Darnelle's mother who's concerned about her teen's behavior and dating choices.
  • KESHIA KNIGHT PULLIAM plays Laura's teenage daughter who's often skimpily dressed and dates all of the wrong sorts of men. She does eventually come around, however, and take a job working for Gina.
  • KEVIN BACON plays Gina's former boss, a demanding if foppish European salon owner who uses some profanity and then tries to undermine Gina's shop when she quits his.
  • MENA SUVARI plays a conceited socialite who's proud of the breast enlargement she got and is demeaning to Lynn.
  • ANDIE MacDOWELL plays an older Atlanta socialite who must contend with having a bad husband.
  • ALICIA SILVERSTONE plays Jorge's former shampoo girl who now works for Gina as a stylist and must contend with being the only white woman working there.
  • ALFRE WOODARD plays an older stylist who's always spouting Maya Angelou type poetry.
  • DJIMON HOUNSOU plays the electrician/piano player who lives upstairs from the beauty shop, encourages Vanessa's piano playing and finds himself falling for Gina.
  • BRYCE WILSON plays a delivery guy who takes a job as a stylist for Gina, unaware that everyone is questioning his sexual orientation (but he starts seeing Lynn).
  • GOLDEN BROOKS plays a highly opinionated stylist who works for Gina.
  • SHERRI SHEPHERD plays the pregnant stylist who lusts after various men while working, but can't do anything due to her maternal state.
  • LIL' JJ plays a young street vendor who's into videotaping women's clothed butts in the shop and on the street.


    Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit?
    Then read OUR TAKE of this film.

    (Note: The "Our Take" review of this title examines the film's artistic merits and does not take into account any of the possibly objectionable material listed below).

    The following is a brief summary of the content found in this comedy that's been rated PG-13. Profanity consists of at least 5 "s" words and various slang terms for sex and genitals, while other expletives and colorful phrases are present. All sorts of sexually related dialogue covering a wide variety of topics is present (including about sex, sex toys, genitalia, trimming pubic hair, breast enlargement -- with manual manipulation of clothed breasts -- some gay related material, etc.`). Various women are seen in small, tight and/or revealing attire, some sexualized dancing is present and some couples are briefly seen making out.

    Various characters have varying degrees of bad attitudes, while potentially imitative behavior is present. Various characters drink in one scene, while several drug references are made. A man punches another man, a woman states she's getting divorced (and there's talk of a dead father), and some thematic elements (including racial tolerance) are also present.

    If you're still concerned about the film and its appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home who may be interested in seeing it, we suggest that you take a closer look at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content.

  • Joanne states that she's finally getting her breast implants and says that she'll be doped up on Vicodin after the surgery.
  • A client enters the redecorated shop and thinks that maybe she's still "boozing" from the night before (meaning she doesn't believe her eyes).
  • Gina realizes James was in jail and asks if he was in for possession.
  • Several jokes are made about Gina's hair conditioner concoction being "hair crack."
  • Darnelle's new boyfriend wants to go get a drink with her, but she says she has to work.
  • Various ladies from the shop drink with James at a club, where miscellaneous people drink.
  • An older woman jokes about legalizing marijuana, laughing that her glaucoma is getting bad.
  • An older woman puts her dentures in a glass of water at the shop (designed to evoke a "gross" reaction from some viewers).
  • Jorge is conceited and demeaning toward his staff, including Lynn and especially Gina who he says he owns.
  • Jorge is upset with Gina about her making the decision to allow Lynn to cut someone's hair (she's just the shampoo girl in his shop).
  • Two previous stylists at the former shop (that Gina has just bought) have bad attitudes toward her and the shop's new look.
  • Young Willie spots the voluptuous Gina and says that she has both top (breasts) and bottom (butt). He then wonders if she wants to buy some chocolate to go with those "healthy milk sacks."
  • The various black stylists and patrons initially don't accept Lynn (who's white) as one of their own.
  • The camera focuses on a young woman's shapely butt in her very small and tight shorts (that draw the attention of various men, including one who takes a photo with his camera phone).
  • The ladies gossip about whether James is gay or not. When they see him raise his pinky while drinking something, they immediately think he's gay, with one stating, "Swish, swish."
  • Darnelle is in jail for something (and Gina has to bail her out).
  • When a larger woman says that she doesn't eat anything she can't spell, a thinner woman sarcastically replies that the first must be the spelling bee champ.
  • Willie videotapes more women's clothed butts, telling Vanessa she could be in his music video wearing a T-shirt, adding that it would be wet.
  • Joanne and some of the hair stylists have bad attitudes toward each other.
  • Darnelle's new boyfriend wants to go get a drink with her, but she says she has to work. He then gets mad and grabs her arm, prompting Gina and then James to go out and confront them, with him being disrespectful to both and trying to hit James.
  • We see Jorge and a state inspector making an illegal deal (involving the exchange of cash) regarding Gina's business. Later, we see that someone has broken into and ransacked her place.
  • Joanne grabs James' clothed butt as he passes by and proclaims, "Firm" (despite knowing Lynn is involved with him).
  • Joanne gets into with Lynn (over Joanne's breast implants), with Joanne getting mad at Gina for not then firing Lynn, and then reneges on her deal to help Gina with a business offer.
  • Darnelle's new boyfriend wants to go get a drink with her, but she says she has to work. He then gets mad and grabs her arm, prompting Gina and then James to go out and confront him. The boyfriend then throws a punch at James but misses, with James then punching him in the face and knocking him out.
  • Gina finds an African spear in Joe's place. When she accidentally knocks his laundry basket off a shelf with it (and a pair of his boxers land on her head), she sheepishly states, "I was just checking out your big...spear."
  • Due to some slurred dialogue, crowd noise and unidentifiable innuendo, the following should be considered a minimum: Phrases: "I'm gonna smack the sh*t out of them," "Oh sh*t," "Tetherball t*tties," "Fine ass," "Nigger" (said several times), "Idiot," "I'm stuck in shampoo hell," "Trippin,'" "Expensive ass," "Have you gone cuckoo clock in the head?" "You wish to altercate with me?" "I don't need a damn thing from you," "You're going to fall flat on your ass," "Go Gina -- It's your birthday," "Lord Jesus, have mercy," "This is straight up nasty," "Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out," "I don't think it's all that," "You ain't got a pot to piss in," "Oh, hell no," "White bitch" (said playfully), "I'm not gonna screw it up," "He got game," "My bad," "Bitch," "Go ghetto," "Hos" (whores), "Let's rise our asses back to work," "Booty," "Broke asses," "It's Gina bitch," "Crazy ass," "Damn fine," "Grown ass," "A little freak like you," "Is your name Visa? Cuz it's everywhere I want to be," "You know damn well," "Oh, hell yeah," "Sarcastic ass," "How the hell am I supposed to know?" "Shut up," "Were you born ass backwards?" "I don't give a damn," "Fake ass," "Foo-foo ass," "I'll be damned," "Baby, you're doing it" (said with a wiggle of the head and a snap of the fingers), "Who gives a damn?" "White girl gone crazy," "You feeling froggy? Jump" and "Get your ass up."
  • Various male characters, including James, Jorge and others, have varying degrees of tattoos on their bodies.
  • Gina quits and tells Jorge that he can kiss her butt.
  • Various woman, including Darnelle, wear midriff-revealing tops.
  • Darnelle often wears very small, tight and revealing clothing.
  • Various women are seen in small and tight clothing that accentuates their shapely bodies.
  • The ladies gossip about whether James is gay or not. When they see him raise his pinky while drinking something, they immediately think he's gay, with one stating, "Swish, swish."
  • Willie videotapes more women's clothed butts on various occasions.
  • One of Darnelle's boyfriends is a rich thug, with gold teeth and tattoos.
  • One of the hair stylists has multi-color hair.
  • Joanne, sporting lots of cleavage, grabs James' clothed butt as he passes by and proclaims, "Firm."
  • We see that someone has ransacked and spray-painted graffiti in Gina's shop.
  • A woman enters the shop and says that "It's hotter than a jalapeno's cootchie out there."
  • None.
  • None.
  • A song has repeated lyrics that start, "Tear the roof off the mother sucker..."
  • James dances around to a song with some sexual lyrics/innuendo about "I'll take your man" (the joke being that everyone thinks he's gay and thus the song seems to fit -- with one woman asking if he's taking someone's man).
  • A song playing on a dance floor had lyrics that we couldn't hear/understand, thus offering the possibility of it potentially containing objectionable material.
  • At least 5 "s" words, 5 slang terms for sex ("tapping," "do," "get with that," "smacking some ass"), 6 slang terms for breasts (variations of "t*tty," "girls"), 2 for female genitals ("cootchie"), 27 damns, 22 asses, 11 hells, 6 uses of "Oh my God" and 1 use each of "Dear God" and "Jesus."
  • Due to some slurred dialogue, crowd noise and unidentifiable innuendo, the following should be considered a minimum:
  • A female deejay makes various bit of innuendo about a football player, including something about scoring a touchdown on a woman and talk of her fine backside. She later drops more innuendo about a sexual encounter the night before (something about "got [unknown word] with my trunk").
  • We see Darnelle lethargically lying on her bed in a top and her panties.
  • Gina, Joanne, Miss Josephine, Darnelle, Lynn, Chanel and other characters show varying amounts of cleavage in various outfits in various scenes.
  • Gina won't let Vanessa (her young daughter) wear what she calls a "pimp hat" to school (although when they get there, other young girls are wearing the same).
  • Gina asks Vanessa if her pants make her (Gina's) butt look big. Vanessa says they do and Gina is pleased.
  • Gina tells Joanne (about the latter's pending breast implants) that when she's going hot and heavy with her boyfriend, the implant will pop out of her mouth (or into his).
  • Paulette complains that Darnelle's pants go down to the top of her "burning bush" (pubic hair).
  • Gina tells a client that men like women as ladies on the street and freaks in the bedroom.
  • Asking about Terri's marriage, Gina asks her if she got the sex toys, and then comments on some sex balls, saying that you sneak them up in there (one's vagina) and they then clack together and make a certain sound, adding that men go crazy over such stuff.
  • Ida complains that her new work smock doesn't haven't a breast flap (presumably for breastfeeding) but then holds a hole over her clothed chest and says that maybe it will do.
  • When a male client asks if he should remove his jacket for his hair washing, Jorge jokes that he can leave the jacket on, but should take off his pants.
  • Young Willie spots the voluptuous Gina and says that she has both top (breasts) and bottom (butt). He then wonders if she wants to buy some chocolate to go with those "healthy milk sacks."
  • Darnelle often wears very small, tight and revealing clothing.
  • Paulette comments that it's more trouble having Darnelle than it was making her, adding that her father "had a crooked one" (penis) and that she had to walk around the corner just to get on it.
  • Miss Josephine spouts some poetic dialogue that's filled with innuendo, including about the meeting of her thighs, etc.
  • A woman goes on about getting a bikini wax and doing it to look clean for your man, but that it hurts so much, you don't want him to get close down there.
  • There's additional talk of pubic hair, trimmed or not, and about it being a sign to the "door" down there and how one woman has a revolving one.
  • Lynn asks the other women about when you're making mad passionate love and the man sheds one tear during his climax.
  • The camera focuses on a young woman's shapely butt in her very small and tight shorts (that draw the attention of various men, including one who takes a photo with his camera phone).
  • After some talk occurs about "smacking some ass" (sexual) and "tapping" some more, one woman asks what "tapping" means. Another then makes a gesture for rear entry sex (acting like the guy with slight movement and the motion of spanking the woman during that).
  • Terri tries to be hip and brings up the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident, commenting on her "t*tty," with another woman jokingly asking Terri, "You like t*tty?"
  • After spotting James, Ida says "I'd do him" if she wasn't "so damn fertile."
  • Various women are seen in small and tight clothing that accentuates their shapely bodies.
  • A woman jokes that James got his muscles from fighting the brothers off his booty in prison.
  • Gina jokes that she could let the girls in prison pass around Darnelle for a carton of cigarettes.
  • Willie videotapes more women's clothed butts, telling Vanessa she could be in his music video wearing a T-shirt, adding that it would be wet.
  • We briefly see Joe shirtless.
  • After Darnelle gets a bundle of money from her new thug boyfriend, Gina questions how she got it (what she got it for), with Darnelle getting defensive and stating, "I don't get down like that."
  • Gina spots Joanne's now larger chest, telling her, "You grew" -- She replies, "Yes I did." Joanne then says that she had her nipples done and asks if Gina wants to feel them, but she declines the offer. Later, there's more talk about her new chest and Chanel states that she's natural (as she briefly lifts one of her clothed breasts).
  • Gina finds an African spear in Joe's place. When she accidentally knocks his laundry basket off a shelf with it (and a pair of his boxers land on her head), she sheepishly states, "I was just checking out your big...spear."
  • James dances around to a song with some sexual lyrics/innuendo about "I'll take your man" (the joke being that everyone thinks he's gay and thus the song seems to fit -- with one woman asking if he's taking someone's man).
  • Willie says about clothed butts, "If it ain't shaking, it ain't selling."
  • Paulette spots Darnelle with yet another new boyfriend and states that she doesn't know if she's a "ho" (whore) or not.
  • Jorge spots Joanne's chest and says, "Congratulations on the twins," but then adds that he sees they're not identical. We later see her holding a mirror close to her clothed breast, examining it.
  • Spotting an attractive man, Ida says that if she weren't that way, "I'd get with that."
  • There's some close, sexualized dancing between men and women in a club (close contact, rhythmic movement, etc.). That includes Lynn trying to get down on the dance floor, sticking her butt out suggestively (including in the direction of James' crotch, etc.), all played for laughs at the sight of her doing that.
  • Lynn and James do some passionate kissing on the dance floor.
  • Joe and Gina do some passionate, clothed kissing.
  • Joanne, sporting lots of cleavage, grabs James' clothed butt as he passes by and proclaims, "Firm."
  • A woman enters the shop and says that "It's hotter than a jalapeno's cootchie out there."
  • Terri proudly shows that she now has a large butt (clothed) from eating collard greens.
  • The radio deejay delivers another line of sexual innuendo (about her man coming up and sweating out something regarding her).
  • None, but Gina jokes that she could let the girls in prison pass around Darnelle for a carton of cigarettes.
  • There's a mention that Vanessa's father (Gina's husband) is dead. Later, the girl looks at his photo and says she misses him, with Gina saying she does as well.
  • Gina asks Terri if she's having problems with her husband again, with Terri saying he looks at her sometimes like he hates her.
  • Terri announces that she split up with her husband, saying she caught him cheating.
  • Going out on one's own to start a business.
  • Lynn jokingly asks if it's Jorge's time of the month again.
  • The fact that it's acceptable in some circles for black people to use the "n" word, but not for white people.
  • There's brief mention of the term "metrosexual."
  • Lynn brings up racial profiling (regarding how others are treating her).
  • The ladies gossip about whether James is gay or not. When they see him raise his pinky while drinking something, they immediately think he's gay, with one stating, "Swish, swish."
  • Jorge is portrayed as being gay.
  • Gina literally tosses a young and disrespectful vendor from her store to the sidewalk outside.
  • Darnelle's new boyfriend wants to go get a drink with her, but she says she has to work. He then gets mad and grabs her arm, prompting Gina and then James to go out and confront him. The boyfriend then throws a punch at James but misses, with James then punching him in the face and knocking him out.
  • Some guys grab Jorge and start snipping at his long hair with scissors (we also hear the sound of sheers, but the scene ends there and it's all played for comedy).

  • Reviewed March 14, 2005 / Posted March 30, 2005

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